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Dr D L Gangwal is a CELIAC DISEASE SPECIALIST (Wheat Allergy) Working in Jaipur and also has some branches, in Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra.
Dr D L Gangwal has dedicated centres for celiac disease.
Short information about Celiac Disease
Supporting the Health Needs of the Most Ailing Individuals in Our Community Using Homoeopathy
Celiac Disease
Dr. D L Gangwal Expertises

Blood Pressure
Discovering the gentle efficacy of homoeopathy in blood pressure treatment, aiming to restore cardiovascular balance and enhance overall well-being.
Ankylosis Spondylitis
People Say About Us
Dr. Gangwal has been working in medical field with Homoeopathy, is praise worthy and it is only for human interest. He has done research work with incurable diseases like celiac disease, thyroid, asthma that is amazing and a new hope in medical science. It is my personal experience with patients suffering from celiac disease who have been referred by me. Now they take gluten diet and they are healthy. I am grateful to Dr. Gangwal on his wonderful success and research work in Homoeopathy. I wish to God that he will bring more hopes for human being.
Before 3 years ago I was suffering from dislocation of shoulder joint. Actually there is a history of Orthopaedic diseases in my family .My mother was also suffering from cervical and lumbar Spondylitis and father from slip disc. I had met with Dr Gangwal . It was amazing, there was a instant relief from our problems. I am extremely surprised because there was no treatment in allopathy science in medicine. Dr Gangwal always told to me that if there is operative case( like tumours of any kind, slip disk, stones) send to me I will cure. There is a tremendous confidence. He proved that in all aspects.
I was diagnosed from Celiac disease around 10 years ago. My father works at SMS (Sawai Man Singh) Hospital, Jaipur so we consulted many doctors that time. I had taken treatment every where but all is vain. I was taking gluten free diet till 2013. Then I heard about Dr DL Gangwal from someone. I consulted with him and took treatment in January 2014 . At present I am regularly taking wheat and all gluten products with continuous course of medicines without having any problems. I am completely satisfied with the treatment of Dr DL Gangwal.
Thanks a ton, Doctor..
मेरी पत्नी पिछले 30 वर्षो से गैेहूँ से एलर्जी बीमारी से ग्रस्त थी । वजन केवल 30 किलोग्राम था ।पेट में असहनीय दर्द रहता था और हीमोग्लोबिन 7 ही रहता था । लगभग 1 वर्ष पूर्व हम किसी काम से जयपुर आऐ थे । वहा हमारे किसी जान पहचान वाले ने डॉ गंगवाल द्वारा गैेहूँ से एलर्जी के इलाज के बारे बताया । डॉ साहब से संपर्क करके इलाज कराया। डॉ साहब के इलाज से आज मेरी पत्नी पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ है और वजन 55 किलोग्राम हो गया है । मैं डॉ साहब का बहुत आभारी हूँ ।
थेंक्स डॉ साहब
I wish to inform that my daughter aged 9 years is suffering from Celiac Disease from the last many years. One day somebody told us about Dr. Gangwal. Then immediately we met to Dr. Gangwal and started to take treatment. Now, two years has elapsed since we are taking the treatment from Dr. Gangwal. Now, our daughter is feeling well and her weight & height also is growing well. There is no side effect of this treatment. We are much happy and satisfied from this treatment with Dr. Gangwal.
Thanking you
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